Thursday 18 July 2013

Career. Oil and gas?? Sshnye...

No doubt that nowadays, oil and gas industry is the the best field to start with. It required strong knowledge in engineering, mentally and physically strong, professional ethics etc etc....

Hmmm..mmg betol pn..its not easy to be in this field.. ive been working with Petrofac engineering & construction sdn bhd (PEC) for over a year. Bidang yg terlampau luas n for me, construction/fabrication ni is one of the most difficult area in oil n gas.  Once enter the fabrication yard, its almost similar to battle field. Its a war! Bunyi bising sana sini, crane setinggi bangunan2 20 tingkat, heavy lifting, welding sana sini, wiring merat tempat etc etc.. perghhhhhh..mcm2 org ade. Mcm2 kerenah nye..

Haha..ssh nye dealing with people ni..seriously. we are not working locally, but internationally as well. Can u imagine how European think??how american think??how about middle east people think?? Hahaha.. a junior, we have to take it positively to build up our own career. tua2 kata, 

"Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian"

Bab kerja pulak, mmg mencabar..kerja yg berisiko..depends pd location korang jgk la..if kene panjat sana sini, if kene masok confined space, mmg memerlukan pengetahuan asas yg cukup.. kalau x, blh bawa maut kawan.. ape2 pn safety first. .safety first.. haa 3x ckp tu..sbb nye, bila anda cedera, anda akn menyusahkan org lain..track record company pn tercalar..hihi..malu..malu.. to those junior out there, byk peluang yg anda blh ambik utk masok ke dunia org minyak ni..haha..tggal nk usaha lebih sikit je..yela..pendapatan yg tggi dtgnye dari usaha yg gigih..haaaa..jgnla submit dkt jobstreet saje lps tu menunggu mcm tunggu durian kat kebun..x jadi gitu..usaha lebih sikit ye..hihi..

Percayalah pd diri sendiri..usaha tangga kejayaan..tgk org pakai superbike, kite pn nk x challenge ourselves. Insyallah janji allah tu pasti..

Alhamdulillah, allah memberikan jalan kepada hambanye.. doa..bln pose ni..dpt pahala byk..hihi..
Salam jumaat..salam ramadhan..


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