Thursday 25 July 2013

Yamaha R6 2013 - review

Tidak Ramai yang tahu ape yg superbike mampu buat pada 'adrenaline' level dlm badan kite. haaaa..belom cuba belom taw. sekali naik dh xmo turun dah..hahaha.. that was my experience laaa. darah muda kot..

Bayangkan perjalan darah yg laju giler dlm badan, dari kaki ke otak, tambah pulak semangat org muda yg membuak-buak umpama Valentino Rossi. Fuhhh..Awesome!

Faktor utama yg memberi kepuasan dlm tuanggangan adalah daripada kekuatan dan kemampuan jentera itu sendiri. Kalo semangat membuak buak tp Jentera x power, x kemana jgk kan. Ok, kat sini admin nk promotekan satu jentera power. mmg hebat !!

"The name is Yamaha YZF-R6, a Japanese demon on two wheels born on the realm of World Super Sport Racing Program. Even if the 2007 version was a nearly perfect motorcycle, Yamaha decided to improve it even more and we’re glad to notice that the result is nothing short of excellent. A few technical tweaks, some design touches and a slightly increase performance help the YZF-R6 stay in front of the 600 cc pack.
Powered by a compact, lightweight 599cc DOHC 16-valve, liquid-cooled titanium-valved four-cylinder engine mated on a magnesium subframe the new Yamaha YZF-R6 is waiting for you to burn some rubber."

Features :
  • Light, powerful, and bristling with knowledge gained from years of racing, the YZF-R6 is the most advanced production 600cc motorcycle Yamaha—or anybody else—has ever built.
  • The YZF-R6 was the first production motorcycle with YCC-T®, Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle system—for flawless response under all conditions.
  • YCC-I®, Yamaha Chip Controlled Intake, is used on the R6 to vary intake tract length for excellent cylinder filling and a broader powerband.
  • Back torque-limiting slipper-type clutch greatly facilitates braking/downshifting from high speed. Close-ratio 6-speed transmission delivers seamless power and maximum acceleration.

Admin mmg minat moto ni. mmg power. Bile ride 180km/hr, terasa macam kite ni "back to the future".. hahaha.. Kiri kanan jalan mmg x nampak dh..cuma nampak jalan je. Tp admin cuba yang model lama.
Model baru ni dh macam2 perubahan. Sensor sana sini untuk nk make sure kestabilan keadaan motor ketika tunggangan. Papepon, mmg TERBAIK!!!

Admin bg 8 bintang dari 10.. Hihiihihi..


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