Thursday 25 July 2013

Resignation period! Oh my...

Hmm..there's some weird feeling in my head now..durghhh..dh nk resign pn..hmmm tu la die manusia.. ssh sgt nk berubah hati..Tp..apakan daya.. my last day will be on 31 july 13!! Omg!! Its a nice number..3113..haha not for 4D!! Okey!! Few more days to go..

"people are resigning not because of the company, but it is because of the management itself"

Maybe im not belong here yet. People are expecting moon and stars from me which I cant delivered even an earth. Hihihi. gonna miss my cubical, my documents, drawings, products catalogue, oohhhmy pc, and my chair as well! Damn!

Take it positively, move forward, improve my self! Yeah. Im gonna bring something valuable for future development in this industry. 


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